February Selections

In a small effort to highlight Africa and Black History month we leaned toward those books this month. Seeds of Change by Jen Cullerton Johnson Mom: This is a story about Wangari Maathai who led the Green Belt movement in Kenya. Wangari and other women started planting trees to help their village be more sustainable. Wangari was the first black woman to win a Nobel Peace Prize and fought for the rights of women. It is a wonderful story to read to kids about how one small idea can turn into something big and wonderful. Girls: They loved this book. I must have read it at least 5 times- maybe more. Hermione is always the one most interested to know if it is a "true for real story", which I still love that question. It is such a teachable moment. Wangari's Trees of Peace by Jeanette Winter Mom: Okay, so I honestly didn't know these were practically the same story just told differently when I first reserved ...