So Behind

I have not been a good blogger. I have not made it much of a priority. It is a good thing this is for me and not for others. I am going to go back to my regular updates I hope. Just wanted write about the last things we have been up to before September rolls around. While I was gone at Women's Camp my husband introduced the two older girls- ages 4 and 6 at the time- since then both of them had a birthday, to Charlie and the Chocolate Factory . They LOVED this book and both subsequent movies. We spend most of the rest of the summer reading the book and then watching the movies. Neither can decide which movie they like better and everyone agrees that the tunnel scene in the older version is extremely creepy. I had all these grand plans of introducing that book and the movies but I guess being flexible and just letting them enjoy stuff is the way to go especially for a family in our financial situation. It would be great...