Ariana and the Dinosaur

I haven't posted in awhile but here is a book that was a favorite during the week we were working on the letter D. My girls love dinosaurs especially the 3 year old. The baby likes to chew on the action figures and the 5 year old likes to ride the big red apatosaurus that my husband had when he was a kid. So naturally Danny and the Dinosaur was a big hit. Ariana picked this one has her personal favorite this week. Her favorite thing that Danny and the dinosaur did together was play Hide and Seek. She said if she had her own dinosaur she would name it Holly. Hermione has been asking if certain things are real or not and dinosaurs have been asked about on numerous occasions. It gave me to opportunity to explain extinction again. She knows the story of creation and a vague idea that many believe it took millions of years for the world to form, but of course we are not into anything truly controversial as far as evolution vs. creat...