January Selections

Cloud Tea Monkeys by Mal Peet and Elspeth Graham Mom: This was a beautiful book about a girl who wants to help her mom because her mom is sick. She tries to do her mom's job, which is picking tea leaves. She is just too small for such a big job, but her monkey friends help her and save the day. Girls: They didn't listen because they were more interested in playing with their dominoes and drinking hot chocolate. Raising Dragons by Jerdine Nolen Mom: A cute story about a girl who just KNOWS how to raise dragons even if her parents are a little reluctant at first. The unnamed girl names her first dragon Hank. She reads to him, feeds him, and he flies her to school. Even though she does disobey her father in the beginning (I may need to discuss consequences) it all turns out okay because this is what she was born knowing how to do- raise dragons. Girls: Ariana liked it enough to stop playing with dominoes and take a look. She r...