January 2015

I am still reading Ester Ried . It is a fun read. Like I said last time I could totally see this as a modern movie. Ester would work at a family business probably a diner. She gets an e-mail or call or text from her cousin that she is getting married. She gets to see New York city but her cousin is all "religious" and getting married to a youth pastor. Ester always thought of herself as a Christian but not like her cousin. Abbie goes to all the prayer meetings and volunteers for everything. Meanwhile her sister is being influenced by a horrible guy back home in some small town in Ohio (?) maybe. Okay....in reality Ester works with her mom at a boarding house and there is no e-mail or texting it was all done through a letter, but pretty much the same thing. With the girls, we just finished Little House on the Prairie . I am excited to introduce them to the show. Since we just a finished a book we jumped right into the ne...