Ester Ried

Mom is reading Ester Ried by Isabella MacDonald Alden.  This is the book currently being read on BBN as a Christian Classic.  Thought I would give it a try.  One minute reviews of what I have read so far- Chapters 1-8:

-Ester is looking for something awesome to happen in her life and she gets to go to New York City!
-I can totally see this as a modern movie.
-I can't figure out what time period exactly this was written for but I really enjoy trying to make it modern in my head.  

Girls are reading:

We only have 2 more chapters to finish!  They have done a very good job of listening to this.  Hermione enjoyed the Christmas story.  After we finish this we are going to start watching the show and I am going to see if we can read the next one.
Hermione can actually read these.  I remember growing up with these stories.  It is so much fun to see her read these and really apply God and Jesus to normal everyday life.  These are old-fashioned though, but still awesome to me and the lessons are never really old.


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