Brought to you by the Letter K, Eukaryotic Cells, and Captain Hook

It has been a long time since I have done a school update.  We haven't gotten very far in our letters but we keep plugging away so now we are on letter K.  Sorry I don't have anything super exciting or fun especially picture wise, but I have been feeling guilty about nor writing.  Here is her favorite one:

Ariana has been just finished learning about Ancient Greece and we just started The Cabin Faced West but our big project this week was making a cell cake.  I love learning using food.for learning!  I learned a lot myself.  I don't remember ever learning about cells and organelles in school so this was super fun for mom, too.

Hermione is still in public school.  I am having a hard time pulling her out, they are all personal reasons, but still- I am praying for bravery and direction in this decision that is always looming before me.  She is doing alright in school but still not talking to the teacher.  Currently we are trying to read the books for 2016-2017 Oregon Battle of the Books.  I think she would really do well and get a little more confidence if she decided to be a part of this program.  This year's books also include one she has already read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone!  We have already read Because of Mr. Terrupt and she has listened to Escaping the Giant Wave.  Now we are reading Hook's Revenge by Heidi Schulz (a local to us author!).

At first, Hermione, didn't seem to know what was going on but now that we take turns reading aloud she has really gotten into it.  It is a tiny bit slow going at first, but as they say the plot continues to thicken.  

We don't have any current school plans except to keep plugging away in the programs we are using.  Sometimes that means Lucy gets left behind but we are working on a more set time to work together.  


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