Mom's Reading Corner: Being There

This is has been my third book during 2017 Lenten season.  Being There: How to Love Those Who Are Hurting by Dave Furman wa san  enormously eye opening book.  I will be referring to this book quite a bit in the years to come.  This book didn't just give practical tips on how to "be there" for someone, but why "be there" for someone.  I struggle with empathy and sympathy- GREATLY.  I am selfish.  I am often not willing to sacrifice my schedule for someone else.  Sacrifice is not convenient.  I am socially awkward.  I am not a natural conversationalist.  I have a million other "great" excuses, but I WANT so badly to be there for others.  I am most grateful for the 10 things NOT to say to hurting people.  I highly recommend this book to my fellow Christian who want to "be there" better or at all if you struggle as I do.      


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