The Great American Read: Day 41 The Little Prince

I bet you thought I was forgetting about these posts.  I am behind on these posts, but it is all good.  I decided to do some shorter books for a little while.  The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery is the shortest book on the list.  As of right now the version of this book is an original Neflix movie which I have seen with my girls.  We loved it.  I didn't grow up with this story although I did know about it because my mom's first language was French and this story was originally written in French. My mom said it was good story and every time I thought about reading it I kept confusing it with
the story The Prince which is also a translated story but is actually Italian and not a children's book.  I haven't read the story to the girls, but I am not sure they would be interested.  So far the book is a little metaphorical but it is a lot good.  Can't wait to finish it.

I don't own this book or else it would be easier to read it to the girls.  This is the copy from the library.


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