The Great American Read: Day 66 The Great Gatsby

I know I said I don't hate books- at least not MANY books- often I feel like I am pretty generous with my starring system on Goodreads, but The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald is a book I really, really hate.  I hate this book for so many reasons- it was assigned in high school and college, it was boring, depressing, I didn't understand it, too much "symbolism' and greed and debauchery left me grasping for an unseen hope and left me depressed.  It confuses me to frustration that this is a classic.  I have wondered from time to time whether I should retry this book, but I haven't been in the mood to torture myself lately (thank goodness for that).  So....could YOU tell me why I should care about this book?  Why is this a classic?  Teach me again because I obviously didn't get it from the two classes I had to read this book for  BTW it is fun to read negative reviews for this book.

The Great Gatsby can have my stinky feet.  I don't own this book for obvious reasons.  Maybe I will retry but most likely not.  


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