The Jane Austen review

I just finished reading The Jane Austen Society by Natalie Jenner. I really liked it and I would like to share some of my thoughts on it. This book revolves around a wide variety of characters who share a love for Jane Austen's work. We have Adam, the farm worker, Adeline, the widowed former school teacher, the doctor of the town, Dr. Gray, Evie, a teenager who works in the "Great House", Mimi, the famous American actress and her friend Yardley who works as an auctioneer, Andrew, the solicitor, and Miss Frances Knight, a descended of Jane Austen and keeper of the "Great House". They join together after World War II to save Jane Austen's legacy. My favorite character was probably Evie. She has so much drive and determination. She is wise beyond her years. She starts a project and sees it through. Even though I rarely finish my projects I still saw myself in her the most because of her drive to even start...