Ariana wanted to cook all her recipes from her
Raddish box on Halloween. I wanted to prep as much as I could the night before but time slipped away from me. We (and by we I mean me) finished all three recipes just in time for dinner. On the menu was Spider Web soup (from the last post), Stuffed Jack-'O-Peppers, and Graveyard Brownies. One of the cards also had an example for setting the table and decorating for Halloween.
Here are some pictures from our party!
Graveyard Brownies and left over Spider Web Soup |
Stuffed Jack'o Pepper |
Party! |
"I don't want to try new things!" |
Taste: Grandma and Aunt Asia loved the soup! Ariana still loved the soup and had 3rds! The stuffed peppers were yum with spinach salad. Ariana still hasn't tried it but Lucy tried it tonight for dinner and absolutely loved it. The brownies kinda taste weird to me but it might be because Ariana measured a little too much vanilla extract in it. It wasn't awful but it didn't taste like boxed brownies which I love. Maybe with some milk....I will try it again tomorrow.
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