Mom's Reading Corner with Al Dente Moscato

I am slowly catching up with my Popsugar Challenge- I am only 2 books behind now!!  I did decide to read some shorter books then I originally planned but still not bad for my first serious reading challenge ever. 

For the prompt "a book you loved as a child" I originally wanted to reread Superfudge but it wasn't at the library which got me wondering why I do not have my own copy!  Any way I also liked Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing so I decided to reread this one.  It was pretty good but now reading it as a parent I wonder what was wrong with the lack of discipline in the Hatcher household.  Still a funny book and I will always have a soft spot in my heart for Peter. 

I am not a huge Nancy Drew fan (she is just WAY too perfect) but I needed a short book for the prompt "a book by an author who uses a pseudonym".  I had the Random number generator pick which one I should read as I don't remember the plots to any of the ones I have actually read so I knew it would matter too much.  There isn't much to say about this book other than good job Nancy Drew for solving mystery #10 and I still don't get how the "blue fire" was made....whatever....I will never be as smart as Nancy Drew.

Now again I had originally planned on reading The Princess Bride for the prompt "a book with a story within a story" but not only is that book nearly 400 pages but the first 20 pages always turn me off (as this is probably my 3rd attempt at reading this book next time I try I will probably skim it or skip the beginning).  So I went on a search for a short YA book to fit this prompt.  What came up turned out to be one of the strangest books I have ever read- Katurah and Lord Death.  I think it is kind of growing on me the more I think about it, but also it was just so strange and I am actually not 100 percent sure it fits my prompt.  Katurah meets Lord Death in the forest, she tells him a story but won't tell him the end.  He lets her live one more day to finish her story.  Sounds kinda cool, right?  Well the story she tells Lord Death is so short and actually autobiographical and doesn't seem like something clever or witty that I would think Death would find particularly interesting.  But apparently he is cool with letting her live for quite a few more days before she even "finishes" the story or stories.  Just too weird and the ending was odd and I thought maybe there might be a moral or something...just something.  Not a horrible book for me but not a great book and it left me feeling peculiar and puzzled.   


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