Mom's Reading Corner

As I look over my reading list and my weekly stats and check ins I am currently 3 books behind so I will just do a quick recap of what I have read so far to catch up or what caused me to be so behind in the first place. 

I finally finished Emma by Jane Austen.  This book was for the prompt "book that has been on my To Be Read list for too long".  Now I know why it took me so long to finish.  Getting interrupted during a Jane Austen book is rough for me.  I lose the flow of the language even if I am already familiar with the story.  As much as I did enjoy this book I never should have stopped part of the way through.  It made for a very difficult jump back into it book- it took an embarrassing 2 weeks to finish only about 20% of the book. 

So for my next read I went in pretty much the opposite direction.  Bossypants by Tina Fey funny.....disjointed....didn't have a clear message or flow, but it did have a couple of relatable parts including Tina's feelings about animals and not driving and motherhood struggles.  I needed a short read and I really wanted to read this one and I wanted to really like it because I enjoy Tina Fey's humor.  But this book came off just a little too self-deprecating and I didn't need to know how to "label" people (she peppered quite a few chapters with a lot of talking about gays, lesbians, blacks, whites, Greeks, Koreans etc) which I believe perpetuates the problems of racism and sexism, but what do I know.  I am not a liberated feminist.  What else can I say except that this wasn't laugh out loud funny, but certainly not a complete waste of time.  I learned some rules about improv comedy and I liked when she explained some things about 30 Rock.  Originally I wanted to read this book for the prompt "a book about an interesting woman" but I filled it.  Then I thought about using it for "a book written by someone you admire", but I sadly feel less admiration for Tina Fey considering her slight over use of curse words (just a personal thing) and her fishing for complements attitude.  This may be a stretching it but I am using this book for the prompt "a book with career advice". 

Because I am trying to catch up I needed another short book so I used Igraine the Brave by Cornelia Funke as my audio book.  This was a good book.  I really enjoyed the character of Igraine.  She is brave, thoughtful, resourceful, and confident.  This is really a story about family working together to keep a neighboring enemy from stealing the family's magic books.  Leave it to a German, though, to make the nickname for the bad guy- hedgehog.  A hedgehog is one of the most adorable animals in the world in my opinion so that was a little disappointing but it didn't ruin the story.  Since this was for the prompt "audio book" I had plenty of time to cross stitch during this time.  I would highly recommend this book. 

I have four more books to read in the next 5 days to stay on schedule.  Realistically I will only get 1 or 2 done this weekend because my sister is coming to visit and Lucy has a big scary dentist appointment on Monday.  I picked some really short books though so you never know.  Good luck to me. 


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