My Weekly Check in Stats 2017
My Reading Year for 2017
Week 1
Ms 43:
This is my first reading check-in! I finished Christmas in My Heart, A Second Treasury: More Heartwarming Tales of Holiday Joy for the prompt "A book with a red spine".
I am less than 100 pages away from finishing The Winter People for the group read and for "A book with one of the four seasons in the title". I will most likely finish this tonight and jump straight in to the next- "A book recommended by a librarian". The librarian asked me how much time I have to read and I probably should NOT have said "a lot" but it is true I have a lot more time to read compared to most people. I was afraid she was going to pull out a huge book! It looks like a challenge though at over 500 pages. She recommended Angle of Repose. I know nothing about this author or this book. Should be fun though. Isn't the point of this challenge to learn and stretch ourselves?
Also just to keep myself on track for the 800 pager and because Christ is a big part of my life I am reading Holy Bible: New Women's Devotional Bible because I haven't REALLY read the whole Bible.
QOTW: My favorite thing about goodreads is getting to read reviews from people who passionately dislike/like a certain book as much as you do. I don't have many people I know IRL who like to read the variety of books that I do and I have been searching for an active group to be a part of for awhile now that my children have crossed the bridge from babyhood. Also seeing the stats at the end of the year is awesome!
Week 2
Ms 32:
Hello from Oregon, near Salem, where the mere thought of snow will close down everything! School was canceled yesterday which ruined my reading time because then I have to take care of everyone at home- but I say that lovingly.
Not a great reading week, but I finished The Winter People for the group read and prompt "a book with one of the four seasons in the title" but I might count it for a book set in two different time periods.
Started and it has already been slow going, not because I dislike it but because it is challenging- long words, epic, and not enough time to read it- Angle of Repose "a book recommended by a librarian. It could also work for "a book by or about a person who has a disability".
Since I have children I do tend to count the books I read to them if they fit into a category. We have been reading the illustrated Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, No Talking and Daisy's Big Night. All three fit "A book with pictures" and one fits "A book that you've read before that never fails to make you smile." (Harry Potter- of course!)
QOTW- There are probably too many books that make me angry. As a person who loves to read- I don't know why I am so picky. His Dark Materials made me pretty mad- the Subtle Knife wasn't so bad but the last one was torture. And so many people love those books too, so that makes it hard to find someone else who dislikes them too. Riley’s Fire and My Name Is Lucy Barton were two books that didn't seem to have a plot- they had high raves and they were big duds to me. Even though I loved this book just because I love books set during WW II Dream When You're Feeling Blue the ending just about made me throw the book at the wall. I will stop now before I get too angry and stop reading altogether- JK-like that is going to happen!
Week 3
Week 11
This has been a fun week of vacation and conferences for the family. I even finished a book right before we left The Enemy Within: Straight Talk about the Power and Defeat of Sin I am counting it for "book with a subtitle".
QOTW: I am pretty much "ruled" by the seasons. As you can see by my other posts I read nonfiction, spiritual reads during Lent, but during summer I tend to read light Christian fiction or any light fiction sometimes I reread Dandelion Wine in summer too. In the fall I start getting really excited for the Oregon Battle of the Book reads or I read classics. Winter is usually reserved for cozy mysteries. Spring is usually the time for serious reading or historical fiction.
Week 12
I wasn't expecting to get much reading done during Lent but we found a library book that had been lost for at least 2 months and I had already paid for at this point and it was for my daughter to read for her homeschool assignment. So I was determined to get it done. We read it together Who Was Abigail Adams? and it fits prompts 32- A book about an interesting woman. I did some shuffling but I think I can still read Bossypants as a book written by someone I admire. That was my original title for prompt 32.
So far I am determined to do the advanced reading so I am going to count all them together: 10/52 I promise to catch up after Lent and during summer!
QOTW: I am all over the board when it comes to classics. I really want to like and understand why they are "classics" but some I just don't get. Plus classics tend to be dark and depressing (except for Jane Austen, thank goodness for a breathe of fresh air). I try to fit them in prompts if I already own the book and know I have time. I guess I have a vague goal of at least attempting 1-2 classics a year. Also since I did major in English Humanities I have read a number of classics (Wuthering Heights, Brave New World, and To Kill a Mockingbird were my gateway to classics) and am embarrassed by the ones I was not able to finish (I am looking at you Great Expectations and The Great Gatsby). I guess I have to reread Fahrenheit 451 as that one made a huge impact on me and I loved it- it seems to be going in the dislike pile for many and I am wondering why.
Week 13
I finished Being There: How to Love Those Who Are Hurting for the prompts on the advanced list "a book about a difficult topic".
Started Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire: What Happens When God's Spirit Invades the Heart of His People but I don't think it fits any prompts. I am starting to miss reading fiction, but we still have a couple weeks of Lent so I will work on my patience.
So far: 11/52
QOTW: I have seen the blind dates at my library for the past 2 or 3 years now almost always around Valentine's but I haven't seen them at a bookstore. I have always wanted to try it but I am busy with my own reads and nervous about liking the book.
My enticing "blind date" book would be: "Eat cookies, drink coffee, and solve murders".
Week 14
I started Ichthus: Jesus Christ, God's Son, the Saviour for the prompt "a book with multiple authors".
During Lent I enjoy reading spiritual and theological books and especially since I have decided on the Bible as my book for over 800 pages I would like to say that it is still going strong (20% done!)
Progress: 11/52
QOTW: I don't binge read series. I want to, but my personality craves variety so in fact I rarely finish a series.
Holy Week is a busy time for me so not much reading. I am currently reading Ichthus: Jesus Christ, God's Son, the Saviour
for the prompt "a book with multiple authors". I will be reading it
tonight and hopefully finish before Easter because then I can get back
to reading fiction. I have loved what I have been reading but I do miss
QoTW: My favorite genre has been historical fiction for as long as I can remember- my first introduction to it was the American Girls. I love mystery, realistic fiction, and inspirational. I don't like stories about animals very much (though I try to give them a chance) or serious science fiction. Fantasy I can take or leave- I love Harry Potter but I haven't come close to finding something comparable in my mind.
Week 18
I have missed two weeks of check ins because I am so ashamed of how behind I am. It took me so long to get back into Emma
but I finally finished it. I liked it but I should not have taken a
break from it. I should have finished before moving on because I lost
the rhythm of the book even though I already knew the plot.
Now I am in the process of making a short list of catch up books for prompts. Superfudge and Bossypants should be quick reads. I have Igraine the Brave as my audio book which only has 4 discs. I can do this!
QOTW: I enjoyed pretty much everything that was required reading in high school but some of the required reading in college felt like it would almost be more beneficial for high school for example The Joy Luck Club, The House on Mango Street, and Bless Me, Ultima were all important books for me. I guess I feel as Americans we take so much for granted. I would like to include The Glass Castle as high school required reading again because of our consumerism culture. Harry Potter and PG Wodehouse should also be required reading because the British are so much more than just Shakespeare and Jane Austen.
Week 19
I stepped up my reading game this week but I had to use some juvenile books to do it. I was surprised I read as many as I did considering my sister came to visit (she is a person who does not like to read). It helped that for most of the week it was nice and sunny and I seem to do my best reading sitting in the camping chair or sprawled out on my Mexican blanket on the lawn.
Bossypants for the prompt "a book with career advice" which might be stretching it a little but I couldn't put it under "a book written by someone you admire" like I thought I MIGHT be able to do. I have a hard time admiring people in general but the book didn't help. The book was okay, not great and not laugh out loud funny. I thought I would be able to relate a little more to her but that ended up not being true almost at all. I really love her humor on SNL and 30 Rock but she is so self deprecating in the book and fishing for compliments that it turned me off.
Igraine the Brave I did this one as the audio book prompt. Since I don't have a commute (I am a stay at home mom) and can't seem to follow along with audio books while I do chores and I accidentally dropped my MP3 player in the toilet I haven't been doing as many of those recently. I really liked this book and passed it on to my 9 year old. It is a bout a family of magicians and knights who have to fight someone who is trying to steal their magic books. I got a good chunk of cross stitching done during this book. I also didn't notice but there is a cat on the cover so it could also be used for that prompt AND the author is German and it was translated (if that helps with any prompts for any one).
Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing for the prompt "a book I loved as a child". I was going to read Superfudge but it was already checked out or something because it wasn't at the library! Why I don't have my personal copy is beyond me! I think it might be at home in Idaho? Any way, still love this book, still so funny, but now that I am a parent I see it differently....the parents in this book need to learn to better discipline their kids but if they did then I guess their wouldn't be much of a mixed feelings.
Password to Larkspur Lane for "a book by an author who uses a pseudonym". Nancy Drew wasn't my absolute favorite growing up but I DID like mysteries. These stories don't usually stick with me except that I always remember how perfect Nancy is- annoying but not horrible.
Starting this week Keturah and Lord Death I am hoping it fills the prompt "a book that is a story within a story".
Progress: 16/40 and 1/12
QoTW: My favorite books as a kid were Little House in the Big Woods, Charlotte's Web, Ramona the Brave, Little Women (but I read the annotated version), Judy Bloom's Fudge series, and Pippi Longstocking. As a slightly older kid I was introduced to series so I fell in love with The Disappearing Stranger and all the books from that series, Mandie and the Forbidden Attic and read as many as the church library had, the Baby sitters Club, and Christy Miller Collection, Vol. 1. My dad was the one who introduced me to my favorite genre- historical fiction- with the American Girl series.
Week 20
Hello from almost getting warmer and at least it stopped raining
today- Oregon! After last week of just trying to catch up I decided to
slow down a little bit because I am really wanting to savor Emily of New Moon
"a book with a cat on the cover". So far it is absolutely beautiful-
L.M. Montgomery has such a descriptive way of writing that I just want
to soak it all in a little at a time so I don't get overwhelmed or feel
like I have to rush through it.
I did finish one book this week Miss Spitfire: Reaching Helen Keller for the prompt "a book by or about a person who has a disability". It was a great read. It was like The Miracle Worker but from Annie Sullivan's perspective.
I have two books lined up that I am excited about The Book Thief (even though I have already seen the movie) and The Invisible Library. To the kids, I have been reading Little Dog, Lost it doesn't fit any prompts but it is adorable!
Progress: 18/40 and 1/12
QoTW: Since this is my first time doing a reading challenge I will probably just keep going down the list but normally I read Christy Award winners during the summer and this will be my first summer with a Kindle so now I don't have to worry so much about running out of reading material! I loved the reading guide from Modern Mrs. Darcy- Summer is too short to read bad books. Life is also too short to read bad books.
Week 21
Hello from (finally) sunny Oregon!
I only finished one book this week, but it was an excellent book Emily of New Moon for the "book with a cat on the cover" prompt. I am also excited to hear someone else is reading it. I almost didn't like it because it is very dated but I don't want to give anything away so you will have to read my goodreads review if you want to know my thoughts.
I am about to start The Book Thief and for the kids I have been reading Surprises According to Humphrey which would fit the "a book from a nonhuman perspective" but I have already filled that one.
Progress: 19/40 and 1/12
QotW: I have a copy of Jane Eyre that I spent $50 on and for the life of me can't remember why and I still haven't read it!?! Any way I would love to own the newest box set of the Jane Austen books. I am looking forward to the next illustrated version of Harry Potter. I also wish I had a copy of a UK version of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone as I love the word and original story of the PHILOSOPHER'S Stone. The word sorcerer is okay but I much prefer philosopher. I don't buy many books as I am more of a minimalist even though I love books. I love the library.
Week 22
I am going to try to be okay that I only usually finish one book a week (not often counting all the picture books I read), but you all make me feel so jealous at your ability to read so quickly and so often.
Any way I finished The Book Thief today just a little late for the monthly read. I really enjoyed it but it did have a few problems for me too. I think I might like the movie just a tiny bit better (hides from "the book is always better than the movie" people). I am proud that it is my 2nd over 500 pager this year though! I don't know if I have ever done that before and if I could just do the last few pages of The Magic Strings of Frankie Presto I could make it three!
I am about to start The Invisible Library based on the suggestions for an espionage book because I wasn't super looking forward to this prompt. Now I am also not looking forward to reading The Woman in Cabin 10 either- am I in a rut? I did finish Around the World on Eighty Legs: Animal Poems: Animal Poems so I might replace this book for that prompt if I can't get into the monthly read.
Progress: 20/40 and 1/12
QoTW: I LOVE the library. We visit the library at least once a week. We have the best children's librarian! My kids are so shy and reclusive I have a hard time getting them to participate in the programs- though I keep trying. We do the Summer Reading program because there are always so many fun prizes. Almost all of us have won something so far. I almost wish we didn't go on vacation so often because I feel like I am missing out on all the library has to offer. Our library is technically not local to us- it is in a town over but I stalk the page for holds like it is my job. I have only been to 2 of the book club meetings- it always conflicts with my church obligations and they did have movie night for adults awhile back that I attended. I could go on and on about my history with libraries and how much I appreciate being able to read as much as I do.
Week 23
I almost forgot what day it was because I started this week on a mini-vacation! I didn't finish anything for the challenge just finished a book with the kids Surprises According to Humphrey but it could be used for "a book from a nonhuman perspective". I seem to be able to get a lot more reading done when the weather is nice and it started taking a turn today- light rain and cloudy so this week is not look optimistic for me.
I barely started The Invisible Library but it looks promising.
20/40 and 1/12
QotW: I have started to DNF a lot now that I am older. I most likely will DNF if it is too predictable and not because it is boring- I can usually slog through something if I take it in small chunks at a time. I do have a couple extra reasons for DNF books- this may sound weird but I didn't want to finish The Two Towers or LotR because it was just so beautiful- I didn't want it to end! I feel like I am okay with it ending once I am an old gray witch lady but right now I am too young for LotR to be done- I don't know if that is just super weird but that is how I feel because I really do want to get back to those books. The second reason is because I needed to return the book to the library and then never picked it back up again but now goodreads helps me keep track so I still hope to finish The Magic Strings of Frankie Presto.
Week 25
I haven't finished anything this week, but I am on a mission trip
so I don't have as much time to read as usual. I was so close to
finishing The Invisible Library
but I didn't want to take it on my trip with only about 20 pages to go-
I was so stressed out about this trip I couldn't find time to finish
it. I started I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You for espionage prompt and I recently started Food: A Love Story
(which I found totally hilarious and relatable) for book about food or
someone I admire- sometimes I like to think of myself as the female
version of Jim Gaffigan.
QotW: I don't always listen to music while I read but I certainly enjoy it- I often listen to film soundtracks or I try to match the music to the book. I don't know how you could read The Magic Strings of Frankie Presto without listening to music.
Week 26
I am late for check in but I don't have much to report. I was on a
missions trip and on vacation to visit my extended family- not much
time for reading. But since we are at the half way point I do have a
question-does anyone start doubling up on prompts? I had a number of
books that fit multiple prompts. Or is that slightly cheating? Any way, I
feel like I am doing amazing with the general goodreads challenge (19
books ahead, my goal was 52) but I chalk that up to a lot of picture
books/kid's books and YA books. With the challenge I am a bit behind but
3 of the books are so close to being done. So far 20/40 & 1/12 but
if I double up prompts 28/40 & 2/12. Feeling good and hoping summer
will finally allow for more reading time.
Week 29
I haven't checked in for the past two weeks- been busy at camp and
nagging the kids to at least attempt a "summer schedule" when all they
seem to do is glue their eyes to the TV.
Since last I checked in I finished:
I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You
Just a nice cheesy YA book about girl spies.
Food: A Love Story
Hilarious and I could relate to most of it (I do, occasionally, enjoy seafood)
The Woman in Cabin 10
So I actually loved this book! It was the perfect blend of scary and intense- it might have been a little over the top but I really liked it.
Child of God
This book was disgusting! It drove me nuts with the lack of punctuation marks and no redeeming qualities. Since I took this one camping the only thing it was good for after reading it was killing bugs- and I killed a lot of them. I read this book for a "best seller from a genre you don't normal read" or something like that (I think it was recommended from my husband because of the author but come to find out he never actually read it) but I don't even know if it fits but I have to put it somewhere because it would be the only reason I would read a book like this.
Love in the Ruins
Weird- really weird....I am half way through. At this point I just wish the main character would stop saying/thinking "enclosed patio" over and over....if this is some kind of symbolism, please stop beating me over the head with it.
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
I don't know if I will reread the whole thing but I need a palate cleanser from that horrible Child of God and Harry Potter is my go to for that.
Progress: 24/40 & 1/12
No read-a-thons for me- I don't believe I have really even heard of the concept but this is not the time in my life for one of those just yet.
I don't listen to enough audio books to judge. I did just get my MP3 player fixed and need to get back into running so hopefully I can listen to more of those. As much as I love Harry Potter, I can not put my finger on exactly what grates me about Jim Dale but I find him only tolerable. My favorite kids audio books are done for the Junie B. Jones and the Stupid Smelly Bus and the series read by Lana Quintal.
Week 38
Hello from Oregon- where we are so grateful for all the rain that came our way this week- though it appears to be tapering off now.
Finished: Wonder for a "book that's becoming a movie in 2017" This was a last minute change as I really wanted to read Ready Player One but the movie was changed to next year. So since I am rather behind on this challenge a short book would be better for me. I really loved this book! I think my kids would really like it too.
Working on: The Door by the Staircase, Love in the Ruins, and New Women's Devotional Bible I have had to do a lot of rearranging, but I am so glad to be able to relax and read.
I am 28/40 and 1/12.
Except for Bossypants, I haven't really had any expectations dashed, but I certainly had books I have not enjoyed reading this year.
Week 39
I finished a book- Meet Rebecca- it has been on my TBR for a long time and I had to do some rearranging of the challenge to make sure it all works
I have so many books in different stages of reading: more than half way done with Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Parts 1 & 2, half way done with The Door by the Staircase, 70 percent done with Love in the Ruins, and only a handful of pages left in The Invisible Library. It is keeping me hopeful as I am not sure I am going to make it to the end.
I am at 30/40 and 1/12.
QOTW: Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch, PG Wodehouse, Jim Gaffigan, and a couple of Dave Barry books are laugh out loud funny in our house.
Week 41
It is raining! It is so beautiful! I love my state!
I finished two books this week and they were both based off Russian folklore- go figure! I had been reading to my kids The Door by the Staircase, but it seemed like it was going so slowly and when I noticed the book discussion for October was The Bear and the Nightingale I was determined to finish both this week and reward myself with a white Russian or some other celebratory Russian food.
The Door by the Staircase- I had to do some rearranging but this book has a cat on the cover so it worked out. I liked this book but the title felt a little misleading. It had a very good happy ending.
The Bear and the Nightingale- This one is for the prompt "involving mythical creature" and I liked this one too, but, again, felt the title was a little strange.
Both books had such strong female characters. It was a great to learn about Russian fairy tales as I am not familiar with them.
32/40 and 3/12
I am about to start Pride and Prejudice and Zombies and finally finish The Magic Strings of Frankie Presto. I also need to find a new read aloud for me and my girls that also fits a prompt- I am thinking of reading Esperanza Rising for an immigrant as I have heard good things about it.
QoTW: I am not looking forward to steampunk prompt- so not my style. I did start reading The Invisible Library but I had to return it to the library before I finished and I am becoming less and less interested in finishing it as time goes on. I feel like I am having to shuffle the books around a lot. I am picking books intended for one prompt but end up filling another one better or I find a book I want to read that was already filled and now I have to creatively find a place for it. I actually enjoy that part of the challenge even though I have a feeling others would think it a waste of time. I still feel a little guilty for putting Bossypants under career advice.
Week 42
So excited for the next list!!! My daughter says she wants to try
it- she is 10 but a huge reader. It is the one thing we really bond
I finished The Magic Strings of Frankie Presto for a book that takes place over a character's lifespan.
My husband and I are reading a chapter a day in Searching for Sunday: Loving, Leaving, and Finding the Church. I feel I am relating very strongly to the author and I love thinking critically about my faith- I will see where I stand on this one as we get farther along. I am going to finish it for the challenge even if we don't get it done- I haven't really counted out the chapters.
I am also reading Esperanza Rising, Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library, and Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.
32/40 and 4/12- still a ways to go- but since my husband will be gone all day and the kids have school I should make some head way this week
QOTW: My own tiny town doesn't have a book store, but where I go to get my library books has a tiny used bookstore where I know one of the volunteers personally and I go and visit her from time to time but don't always buy. The biggest town near by (Salem, OR) use to have a Borders but those went out of business and was bought by our local Book Bin, but they couldn't keep the building (so sad, as it was the closest thing to a real bookstore around my area) and now they just have the one downtown and I rarely go downtown. I do wish I could make a regular trip to Powell's Books in Portland but I hate driving and usually low on gas funds, but maybe someday I can convince someone or my husband to make it a regular thing.
Week 43:
This week I finished 2 books.
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies for a book from a subgenre that I've never heard of (Manner Punk). It was kinda fun. I enjoyed the twist on a classic. Since I wasn't sure exactly what to expect I think I was pleasantly surprised that it didn't feel like an absolutely crazy concept.
Candle in the Darkness for a book I got at a used book sale. I was pretty sure I would love this book just solely based on the author, Lynn Austin, and I was right. I tried not to be too critical of the historical time or try to find any inaccuracies and enjoy a good story. I enjoyed it so much I started watching the civil war documentary on Netflix just to refresh my understand and perspective on this tragic event.
32/40 and 6/12 overall 38/52 so if my math is correct 14 more books to go. Steady goes the course!
QotW: I would have to think about it a little more but I think it is pretty spot on. I think there is a little bit of peer pressure involved in "liking" some books especially classics.
Week 46
I have missed a couple of weeks of check in- it happens most often when the kids are out of school.
Since my last check in I have finished:
Sourdough for the "book about food" and the monthly read. It was not bad and it was a very quick read- just too quirky for me.
Esperanza Rising for "a book about an immigrant". This was beautiful. I read it to my daughters and right near the end the 5 year old started taking a big interest and wondering why so many horrible things were happening to Esperanza. It gave us a chance to talk about hope and perseverance.
The Lightning Thief for "a book based on mythology". I have seen the movie and knew the basic story already but it was good read. Riordan is a gifted story teller.
I have a couple books lined up, but as the year is coming to a close I might have to pick slightly shorter books or lock myself away so I will not be disturbed. I have spent huge chunks of what should have been reading time working on next years list. My daughter, who LOVES to read, wants to do the challenge with me, but it may be a little on the difficult side filling age appropriate books for a handful of the prompts- She is ten years old- btw.
Here is where I stand: 33/40 and 9/12- overall 42/52. Ten more books to read! I feel so close.
QoTW: I don't pay much attention to the National Book Awards. But I try to pay attention to the Newbery Awards as they were what helped me find good books when I was younger that were not classics nor twaddle series. My mom wasn't much of a help when it came to finding good books so I tried and still do (I am drawn to well written realistic and historical fiction for kids) pay attention to Newberys. At one point I was collecting as many as I could, but we were poor and I felt bad for "wasting money" on buying them. Now that I am in a better place financially I am glad I have kept most of them and would really like to start collecting them again. I also follow the Christy Awards because I enjoy a good inspirational book every now and then- a few of these books border on the sappy and predictable side but sometimes I need that.
Week 47:
Thanksgiving day is here! I am so thankful for books and reading
and lists and people (even if I will probably never see them irl) I can
chat up books with.
I have been battling a nasty cough since Saturday and haven't had much ability to sleep properly or read for that matter. I was feeling a little better yesterday and FINALLY finished The Invisible Library- I only had 20ish or so pages when I left it because I didn't want to take it on a trip. If you can't tell, I didn't really like it. It was hard for me to get into. Steampunk is not for me.
I have 8 more books to complete the whole challenge- 5 more from the regular and 3 for the advanced. I have to get better soon to get this done!
QoTW: I agree that Little House in the Big Woods and Little House on the Prairie have the very best literary scenes out there. It has been awhile since I read it but I Bless Me, Ultima has a hilarious Christmas Pageant scene and I keep thinking I need to reread it to see if it is as funny as my memories remember it.
Week: 48
I caught a cold/cough over this last week and a half but surprisingly got a lot of reading done even though it was mostly kids picture books.
I finished Love in the Ruins which is a book I have been struggling through for many months now. It was too high brow and possibly too southern for me. I didn't understand half of what I read. I read it for "a book with an unreliable narrator" and as a recommendation from my husband and a blogger I follow. Goes to show that I am just not as deep a thinker as I think I am or I just like to surround myself with those type of people even though I might always be an outsider.
I don't remember mentioning The Hate U Give but I finished that quite a few weeks ago and LOVED it. I might have been waiting for the group read discussion to open to talk about it. I read it a little early because I wasn't sure how long the hold list was but it ended up ready for me quicker than I expected.
Because I am playing catch up I read The Very Hungry Caterpillar and Eloise Takes a Bawth- one for a book mentioned in another book and a book that takes place in a hotel.
37/40 and 10/12 = 47/52
QoTW: I have a pet peeve of book covers where the authors' name is in a much bigger font than the title and/or the author's name is before the title. I might still read them but it is still so annoying to me.
Week 49
I have 4 books left! I will probably finish this year if I can knock out this cold because I feel like most of the time I just want to sleep. I haven't even got out the Christmas decorations yet. Hopefully this weekend I will get into the Christmas spirit.
I finished Searching for Sunday: Loving, Leaving, and Finding the Church for a book with "a day of the week in the title".
I started Spooky Oregon: Tales of Hauntings, Strange Happenings, and Other Local Lore for a book I bought on a trip.
The Winter People
The Woman in Cabin 10
The Hate U Give
Emily of New Moon
Candle in the Darkness
Wonder was great as well- I highly recommended it.
Week 50
I was diagnosed with bronchitis so not much reading but finally
some sleeping. I am on my last dose of antibiotics today. I feel so much
Half way done with Spooky Oregon: Tales of Hauntings, Strange Happenings, and Other Local Lore and real close to finishing New Women's Devotional Bible.
37/40 and 11/12
QoTW: I read way too many pictures books, but honestly my best reading year ever. Thanks to this group I have found my passion. I have read 89 books (years not over yet though) and 15, 379 pages. Next year will be even better!!!
Week 52
Hello from Oregon- not super cold and just a little rain every now
and then. I knew I wasn't going to get much reading done this week but I
didn't count on being quite so tired.
I finished my 800+pager: New Women's Devotional Bible and now I have only 2 books left to finish the challenge. I am barely going to make it.
1. I did accomplish my goodreads book challenge of reading 52 books because I hadn't decided whether or not to include picture books but in the end I did include them because I just don't read as fast as everyone else and I don't have quite as much time as I thought I would either so overall I read 91 books but still have 2 more books for the Popsugar challenge.
2. I loved a lot of the prompts but not all the books I filled them with but my top 3 were "book with a cat on the cover" "a book that never fails to make you smile" and "a book about food"
3. I wasn't crazy about steampunk, espionage or career advice.
4. I hated Child of God , Love in the Ruins and The Invisible Library and I read them all the way to the end any way.
I better get back to reading still have time to finish my last 2!
Week 1
Ms 43:

I am less than 100 pages away from finishing The Winter People for the group read and for "A book with one of the four seasons in the title". I will most likely finish this tonight and jump straight in to the next- "A book recommended by a librarian". The librarian asked me how much time I have to read and I probably should NOT have said "a lot" but it is true I have a lot more time to read compared to most people. I was afraid she was going to pull out a huge book! It looks like a challenge though at over 500 pages. She recommended Angle of Repose. I know nothing about this author or this book. Should be fun though. Isn't the point of this challenge to learn and stretch ourselves?
Also just to keep myself on track for the 800 pager and because Christ is a big part of my life I am reading Holy Bible: New Women's Devotional Bible because I haven't REALLY read the whole Bible.
QOTW: My favorite thing about goodreads is getting to read reviews from people who passionately dislike/like a certain book as much as you do. I don't have many people I know IRL who like to read the variety of books that I do and I have been searching for an active group to be a part of for awhile now that my children have crossed the bridge from babyhood. Also seeing the stats at the end of the year is awesome!
Week 2
Ms 32:
Hello from Oregon, near Salem, where the mere thought of snow will close down everything! School was canceled yesterday which ruined my reading time because then I have to take care of everyone at home- but I say that lovingly.
Not a great reading week, but I finished The Winter People for the group read and prompt "a book with one of the four seasons in the title" but I might count it for a book set in two different time periods.
Started and it has already been slow going, not because I dislike it but because it is challenging- long words, epic, and not enough time to read it- Angle of Repose "a book recommended by a librarian. It could also work for "a book by or about a person who has a disability".
Since I have children I do tend to count the books I read to them if they fit into a category. We have been reading the illustrated Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, No Talking and Daisy's Big Night. All three fit "A book with pictures" and one fits "A book that you've read before that never fails to make you smile." (Harry Potter- of course!)
QOTW- There are probably too many books that make me angry. As a person who loves to read- I don't know why I am so picky. His Dark Materials made me pretty mad- the Subtle Knife wasn't so bad but the last one was torture. And so many people love those books too, so that makes it hard to find someone else who dislikes them too. Riley’s Fire and My Name Is Lucy Barton were two books that didn't seem to have a plot- they had high raves and they were big duds to me. Even though I loved this book just because I love books set during WW II Dream When You're Feeling Blue the ending just about made me throw the book at the wall. I will stop now before I get too angry and stop reading altogether- JK-like that is going to happen!
Week 3
Ms. 64:
Not much to report this week. Still plugging away at Angle of Repose
because it is slow and a little dull though the writing is very
descriptive. This is to fill the prompt "Recommended by a librarian".
The books I am reading to the kids don't fill any of the prompts, yet, but I am sure I will get to one that does.
So far my count is 3/52.
QOTW: I don't loan books out very often because my husband is the one who does and now I am missing at least two books I really loved or wanted to read because of his generosity- lol. Also the funny thing is kids will loan books to my husband (he is a youth pastor) and I will be the one reading them AND returning them. I don't keep track, I just assume if I am giving a book to someone there must be a really good reason and they will probably not return it and I am okay with that.
The books I am reading to the kids don't fill any of the prompts, yet, but I am sure I will get to one that does.
So far my count is 3/52.
QOTW: I don't loan books out very often because my husband is the one who does and now I am missing at least two books I really loved or wanted to read because of his generosity- lol. Also the funny thing is kids will loan books to my husband (he is a youth pastor) and I will be the one reading them AND returning them. I don't keep track, I just assume if I am giving a book to someone there must be a really good reason and they will probably not return it and I am okay with that.
Week 4
Ms.: 32
Week 6
Still plugging away with Angle of Repose "recommended by a librarian". I am only
half way done.
But I started A Nest for Celeste: A Story About Art, Inspiration, and the Meaning of Home which will fit "a book with a subtitle" or it might fit "a book from a nonhuman perspective". The book is about a mouse but the mouse is not the narrator so I am not sure. This one I might have to leave up to my discretion.
I am a mom with 3 young girls and I read to them almost every night. If a picture book or kids book fits a prompt I am going to count it because this is my world right now. We read My Dream of Martin Luther King "a book by a person of color" so I might not be taking part in the group read in February unless it fills a different prompt- anyone have any ideas/suggestions?
Official Count: 4/40- still not totally committed to the advanced list but I am reading the Bible for the 800 page book through the end of the year.
QOTW: I haven't seen an IFL in my tiny town though I have heard people trying to start one especially for kids. We have a couple of them in the town a little ways over from us so I will check it out- love the concept.
But I started A Nest for Celeste: A Story About Art, Inspiration, and the Meaning of Home which will fit "a book with a subtitle" or it might fit "a book from a nonhuman perspective". The book is about a mouse but the mouse is not the narrator so I am not sure. This one I might have to leave up to my discretion.
I am a mom with 3 young girls and I read to them almost every night. If a picture book or kids book fits a prompt I am going to count it because this is my world right now. We read My Dream of Martin Luther King "a book by a person of color" so I might not be taking part in the group read in February unless it fills a different prompt- anyone have any ideas/suggestions?
Official Count: 4/40- still not totally committed to the advanced list but I am reading the Bible for the 800 page book through the end of the year.
QOTW: I haven't seen an IFL in my tiny town though I have heard people trying to start one especially for kids. We have a couple of them in the town a little ways over from us so I will check it out- love the concept.
Week 5
Ms. 44
Last night when I realized I had a little less than 100 pages left of Angle of Repose
I had to finish before I checked in because it felt like a huge
accomplishment to get through a book that was mostly boring and
pretentious. I read it for "a book recommended by a librarian". But if
anyone wants to read a book that qualifies for multiple challenge
prompts- this one is it. I thought it fit 3, 7, 13, 29, and 33 for the
most part and maybe a stretch for 11 on the Advanced List.
I hope to start Emma as "a book that's been on my TBR list for way too long" or read the The Underground Railroad but fit in under another prompt because I already filled "a book by a person of color" and I know I will be on a waiting list if I want it from the library.
QotW: I don't really have the desire to add another social media account to my already full life. I don't even have a cell phone. But I think it would be fun to take more pictures of books and promote more reading.
I hope to start Emma as "a book that's been on my TBR list for way too long" or read the The Underground Railroad but fit in under another prompt because I already filled "a book by a person of color" and I know I will be on a waiting list if I want it from the library.
QotW: I don't really have the desire to add another social media account to my already full life. I don't even have a cell phone. But I think it would be fun to take more pictures of books and promote more reading.
Week 6
Ms 24
Not a good reading week for me as I caught a cold and just trying to get through my day so I can breathe.
I started Emma for the prompt "a book that's been on your TBR list for way to long" So since I had a cold I started watching the BBC version and Clueless because it is hard to read when you are sick.
I finished Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone for the prompt "a book you've read before that never fails to make you smile" and since it is a reread I am curious about how to count it- I will see if my cold addled brain can figure our goodreads instructions.
Count: 6/52
QOTW: I love reading reviews but mostly the negative ones. I like finding people who agree with me about certain books. I don't usually decide to read a book based on reviews though. I tend to read the reviews after I have read the book or if the book is boring or really difficult I read the reviews to see if it is worth it to continue.
6/52 now I am officially behind, but still hopeful.
QOTW: I do have comfort books. I almost always read the Harry Potter series if I have gone through a really hard book or if I am feeling down. The Little House books are also a big comfort for me because I use to listen to an audio version when I was young and it would help me fall asleep. My most recent comfort books that were recommended by a friend are the Joanne Fluke books because they are light mysteries and include RECIPES! I always thought there should be books like that and was excited to see that it already existed.
Week 8
Ms. 10
Good Morning from rainy Oregon!
This week I have finished [book:A Nest for Celeste: A Story About Art, Inspiration, and the Meaning of Home|6729699] for a book with a subtitle. It has been slow going as I prepare for Lent which means I will only be reading spiritual books for the next 6 to 7 weeks and only 2 so far fit into prompts. I wasn't sure if I was going to stop for Lent or not but I figure during summer and during the school year (when all 3 of my kids will be in school for the first time!) I should be able to make up for lost reading time.
My count: 7/52
Since this is my first reading challenge I am kind of working my way down the list unless one of the kids' books fits a challenge or I have one on hand and it is few days away from my regular library visit. My first plan of attack was to get just slightly ahead before Lent but that didn't happen because of the librarian recommended book was difficult. I try to be a finisher but more often then not I end up not finishing what I started so this will be interesting to see what will happen. I joined this group so I could get some encouragement when it got slow and a little hard. I love reading but sometimes it can still be hard to enjoy a book just for prompt when you aren't really interested in the prompt. But I am hoping to be surprised and stretched.
I started Emma for the prompt "a book that's been on your TBR list for way to long" So since I had a cold I started watching the BBC version and Clueless because it is hard to read when you are sick.
I finished Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone for the prompt "a book you've read before that never fails to make you smile" and since it is a reread I am curious about how to count it- I will see if my cold addled brain can figure our goodreads instructions.
Count: 6/52
QOTW: I love reading reviews but mostly the negative ones. I like finding people who agree with me about certain books. I don't usually decide to read a book based on reviews though. I tend to read the reviews after I have read the book or if the book is boring or really difficult I read the reviews to see if it is worth it to continue.
Week 7
Ms 6
Nothing new from me to report from last week. When I got over my cold I thought I would get right back into my reading groove but it turns out I had left many grown up responsible things unfinished. I am reading Emma and [book:A Nest for Celeste: A Story About Art, Inspiration, and the Meaning of Home|6729699]- a book that has been on my TBR list for way too long and a book with a subtitle. Ms 6
6/52 now I am officially behind, but still hopeful.
QOTW: I do have comfort books. I almost always read the Harry Potter series if I have gone through a really hard book or if I am feeling down. The Little House books are also a big comfort for me because I use to listen to an audio version when I was young and it would help me fall asleep. My most recent comfort books that were recommended by a friend are the Joanne Fluke books because they are light mysteries and include RECIPES! I always thought there should be books like that and was excited to see that it already existed.
Week 8
Ms. 10
Good Morning from rainy Oregon!
This week I have finished [book:A Nest for Celeste: A Story About Art, Inspiration, and the Meaning of Home|6729699] for a book with a subtitle. It has been slow going as I prepare for Lent which means I will only be reading spiritual books for the next 6 to 7 weeks and only 2 so far fit into prompts. I wasn't sure if I was going to stop for Lent or not but I figure during summer and during the school year (when all 3 of my kids will be in school for the first time!) I should be able to make up for lost reading time.
My count: 7/52
Since this is my first reading challenge I am kind of working my way down the list unless one of the kids' books fits a challenge or I have one on hand and it is few days away from my regular library visit. My first plan of attack was to get just slightly ahead before Lent but that didn't happen because of the librarian recommended book was difficult. I try to be a finisher but more often then not I end up not finishing what I started so this will be interesting to see what will happen. I joined this group so I could get some encouragement when it got slow and a little hard. I love reading but sometimes it can still be hard to enjoy a book just for prompt when you aren't really interested in the prompt. But I am hoping to be surprised and stretched.
Week 9
I have had such a horrible week that I almost forgot to check in! Between a doctor's appointment, a fairly major car repair which had me begging for rides, my daughter preparing for an overnight trip in the middle of the week, and the beginning of Lent, I was too overwhelmed and busy to read! I am more than half way through [book:Emma|6969] but I will have to take a break from that for now- during Lent I try to read spiritual, theological, or books about Saints or missionaries. I might be able to fill one or two prompts but it isn't likely.
QOTW: I see a lot of comments on characters from Pride and Prejudice and I don't know if someone said Kitty, but I find her very unnecessary. I think her only purpose was she found out that Lydia was gone/shacking up and that was it. I should say Mary too except that I relate too much to her to take her out. But that was the first character that came to mind. But this is a good question to ponder on.
Week 10
It is raining like crazy in Oregon- not particularly unusual but still it can get a little gloomy looking at the forecast. We did have a freak morning snow on Monday which cancelled school but we don't, as far as I know, run out of things from the grocery store.
This week I finished The Case for Easter: A Journalist Investigates the Evidence for the Resurrection for a book set around a holiday other than Christmas. I am doing a lot of rearranging in hopes to fill at least one more spot for books I read during Lent (because most of them won't fit but I plan to make up for it during summer).
I need to take another peak at the prompts for the group reads. I want to participate but I seem to be filling those up with books I already have....oh well.
QOTW: This might be a little lame but I found a 10 cent coupon for Barnes and Nobles with the dated expiration July 1, 1938. It is probably the oldest thing I even own. I can't get rid of it or throw it away. It seems like such a strange piece of history that I keep in a little wooden box hidden away. I do love finding old dedications in books. I try to imagine who the people are and how the book came to me- like the book itself has its own story.
I have had such a horrible week that I almost forgot to check in! Between a doctor's appointment, a fairly major car repair which had me begging for rides, my daughter preparing for an overnight trip in the middle of the week, and the beginning of Lent, I was too overwhelmed and busy to read! I am more than half way through [book:Emma|6969] but I will have to take a break from that for now- during Lent I try to read spiritual, theological, or books about Saints or missionaries. I might be able to fill one or two prompts but it isn't likely.
QOTW: I see a lot of comments on characters from Pride and Prejudice and I don't know if someone said Kitty, but I find her very unnecessary. I think her only purpose was she found out that Lydia was gone/shacking up and that was it. I should say Mary too except that I relate too much to her to take her out. But that was the first character that came to mind. But this is a good question to ponder on.
Week 10
It is raining like crazy in Oregon- not particularly unusual but still it can get a little gloomy looking at the forecast. We did have a freak morning snow on Monday which cancelled school but we don't, as far as I know, run out of things from the grocery store.
This week I finished The Case for Easter: A Journalist Investigates the Evidence for the Resurrection for a book set around a holiday other than Christmas. I am doing a lot of rearranging in hopes to fill at least one more spot for books I read during Lent (because most of them won't fit but I plan to make up for it during summer).
I need to take another peak at the prompts for the group reads. I want to participate but I seem to be filling those up with books I already have....oh well.
QOTW: This might be a little lame but I found a 10 cent coupon for Barnes and Nobles with the dated expiration July 1, 1938. It is probably the oldest thing I even own. I can't get rid of it or throw it away. It seems like such a strange piece of history that I keep in a little wooden box hidden away. I do love finding old dedications in books. I try to imagine who the people are and how the book came to me- like the book itself has its own story.

QOTW: I am pretty much "ruled" by the seasons. As you can see by my other posts I read nonfiction, spiritual reads during Lent, but during summer I tend to read light Christian fiction or any light fiction sometimes I reread Dandelion Wine in summer too. In the fall I start getting really excited for the Oregon Battle of the Book reads or I read classics. Winter is usually reserved for cozy mysteries. Spring is usually the time for serious reading or historical fiction.
Week 12
I wasn't expecting to get much reading done during Lent but we found a library book that had been lost for at least 2 months and I had already paid for at this point and it was for my daughter to read for her homeschool assignment. So I was determined to get it done. We read it together Who Was Abigail Adams? and it fits prompts 32- A book about an interesting woman. I did some shuffling but I think I can still read Bossypants as a book written by someone I admire. That was my original title for prompt 32.
So far I am determined to do the advanced reading so I am going to count all them together: 10/52 I promise to catch up after Lent and during summer!
QOTW: I am all over the board when it comes to classics. I really want to like and understand why they are "classics" but some I just don't get. Plus classics tend to be dark and depressing (except for Jane Austen, thank goodness for a breathe of fresh air). I try to fit them in prompts if I already own the book and know I have time. I guess I have a vague goal of at least attempting 1-2 classics a year. Also since I did major in English Humanities I have read a number of classics (Wuthering Heights, Brave New World, and To Kill a Mockingbird were my gateway to classics) and am embarrassed by the ones I was not able to finish (I am looking at you Great Expectations and The Great Gatsby). I guess I have to reread Fahrenheit 451 as that one made a huge impact on me and I loved it- it seems to be going in the dislike pile for many and I am wondering why.
Week 13

Started Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire: What Happens When God's Spirit Invades the Heart of His People but I don't think it fits any prompts. I am starting to miss reading fiction, but we still have a couple weeks of Lent so I will work on my patience.
So far: 11/52
QOTW: I have seen the blind dates at my library for the past 2 or 3 years now almost always around Valentine's but I haven't seen them at a bookstore. I have always wanted to try it but I am busy with my own reads and nervous about liking the book.
My enticing "blind date" book would be: "Eat cookies, drink coffee, and solve murders".
Week 14

During Lent I enjoy reading spiritual and theological books and especially since I have decided on the Bible as my book for over 800 pages I would like to say that it is still going strong (20% done!)
Progress: 11/52
QOTW: I don't binge read series. I want to, but my personality craves variety so in fact I rarely finish a series.

QoTW: My favorite genre has been historical fiction for as long as I can remember- my first introduction to it was the American Girls. I love mystery, realistic fiction, and inspirational. I don't like stories about animals very much (though I try to give them a chance) or serious science fiction. Fantasy I can take or leave- I love Harry Potter but I haven't come close to finding something comparable in my mind.
Week 18

Now I am in the process of making a short list of catch up books for prompts. Superfudge and Bossypants should be quick reads. I have Igraine the Brave as my audio book which only has 4 discs. I can do this!
QOTW: I enjoyed pretty much everything that was required reading in high school but some of the required reading in college felt like it would almost be more beneficial for high school for example The Joy Luck Club, The House on Mango Street, and Bless Me, Ultima were all important books for me. I guess I feel as Americans we take so much for granted. I would like to include The Glass Castle as high school required reading again because of our consumerism culture. Harry Potter and PG Wodehouse should also be required reading because the British are so much more than just Shakespeare and Jane Austen.
Week 19
I stepped up my reading game this week but I had to use some juvenile books to do it. I was surprised I read as many as I did considering my sister came to visit (she is a person who does not like to read). It helped that for most of the week it was nice and sunny and I seem to do my best reading sitting in the camping chair or sprawled out on my Mexican blanket on the lawn.
Bossypants for the prompt "a book with career advice" which might be stretching it a little but I couldn't put it under "a book written by someone you admire" like I thought I MIGHT be able to do. I have a hard time admiring people in general but the book didn't help. The book was okay, not great and not laugh out loud funny. I thought I would be able to relate a little more to her but that ended up not being true almost at all. I really love her humor on SNL and 30 Rock but she is so self deprecating in the book and fishing for compliments that it turned me off.
Igraine the Brave I did this one as the audio book prompt. Since I don't have a commute (I am a stay at home mom) and can't seem to follow along with audio books while I do chores and I accidentally dropped my MP3 player in the toilet I haven't been doing as many of those recently. I really liked this book and passed it on to my 9 year old. It is a bout a family of magicians and knights who have to fight someone who is trying to steal their magic books. I got a good chunk of cross stitching done during this book. I also didn't notice but there is a cat on the cover so it could also be used for that prompt AND the author is German and it was translated (if that helps with any prompts for any one).
Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing for the prompt "a book I loved as a child". I was going to read Superfudge but it was already checked out or something because it wasn't at the library! Why I don't have my personal copy is beyond me! I think it might be at home in Idaho? Any way, still love this book, still so funny, but now that I am a parent I see it differently....the parents in this book need to learn to better discipline their kids but if they did then I guess their wouldn't be much of a mixed feelings.
Password to Larkspur Lane for "a book by an author who uses a pseudonym". Nancy Drew wasn't my absolute favorite growing up but I DID like mysteries. These stories don't usually stick with me except that I always remember how perfect Nancy is- annoying but not horrible.
Starting this week Keturah and Lord Death I am hoping it fills the prompt "a book that is a story within a story".
Progress: 16/40 and 1/12
QoTW: My favorite books as a kid were Little House in the Big Woods, Charlotte's Web, Ramona the Brave, Little Women (but I read the annotated version), Judy Bloom's Fudge series, and Pippi Longstocking. As a slightly older kid I was introduced to series so I fell in love with The Disappearing Stranger and all the books from that series, Mandie and the Forbidden Attic and read as many as the church library had, the Baby sitters Club, and Christy Miller Collection, Vol. 1. My dad was the one who introduced me to my favorite genre- historical fiction- with the American Girl series.
Week 20

I did finish one book this week Miss Spitfire: Reaching Helen Keller for the prompt "a book by or about a person who has a disability". It was a great read. It was like The Miracle Worker but from Annie Sullivan's perspective.
I have two books lined up that I am excited about The Book Thief (even though I have already seen the movie) and The Invisible Library. To the kids, I have been reading Little Dog, Lost it doesn't fit any prompts but it is adorable!
Progress: 18/40 and 1/12
QoTW: Since this is my first time doing a reading challenge I will probably just keep going down the list but normally I read Christy Award winners during the summer and this will be my first summer with a Kindle so now I don't have to worry so much about running out of reading material! I loved the reading guide from Modern Mrs. Darcy- Summer is too short to read bad books. Life is also too short to read bad books.
Week 21
Hello from (finally) sunny Oregon!
I only finished one book this week, but it was an excellent book Emily of New Moon for the "book with a cat on the cover" prompt. I am also excited to hear someone else is reading it. I almost didn't like it because it is very dated but I don't want to give anything away so you will have to read my goodreads review if you want to know my thoughts.
I am about to start The Book Thief and for the kids I have been reading Surprises According to Humphrey which would fit the "a book from a nonhuman perspective" but I have already filled that one.
Progress: 19/40 and 1/12
QotW: I have a copy of Jane Eyre that I spent $50 on and for the life of me can't remember why and I still haven't read it!?! Any way I would love to own the newest box set of the Jane Austen books. I am looking forward to the next illustrated version of Harry Potter. I also wish I had a copy of a UK version of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone as I love the word and original story of the PHILOSOPHER'S Stone. The word sorcerer is okay but I much prefer philosopher. I don't buy many books as I am more of a minimalist even though I love books. I love the library.
Week 22
I am going to try to be okay that I only usually finish one book a week (not often counting all the picture books I read), but you all make me feel so jealous at your ability to read so quickly and so often.
Any way I finished The Book Thief today just a little late for the monthly read. I really enjoyed it but it did have a few problems for me too. I think I might like the movie just a tiny bit better (hides from "the book is always better than the movie" people). I am proud that it is my 2nd over 500 pager this year though! I don't know if I have ever done that before and if I could just do the last few pages of The Magic Strings of Frankie Presto I could make it three!
I am about to start The Invisible Library based on the suggestions for an espionage book because I wasn't super looking forward to this prompt. Now I am also not looking forward to reading The Woman in Cabin 10 either- am I in a rut? I did finish Around the World on Eighty Legs: Animal Poems: Animal Poems so I might replace this book for that prompt if I can't get into the monthly read.
Progress: 20/40 and 1/12
QoTW: I LOVE the library. We visit the library at least once a week. We have the best children's librarian! My kids are so shy and reclusive I have a hard time getting them to participate in the programs- though I keep trying. We do the Summer Reading program because there are always so many fun prizes. Almost all of us have won something so far. I almost wish we didn't go on vacation so often because I feel like I am missing out on all the library has to offer. Our library is technically not local to us- it is in a town over but I stalk the page for holds like it is my job. I have only been to 2 of the book club meetings- it always conflicts with my church obligations and they did have movie night for adults awhile back that I attended. I could go on and on about my history with libraries and how much I appreciate being able to read as much as I do.
Week 23
I almost forgot what day it was because I started this week on a mini-vacation! I didn't finish anything for the challenge just finished a book with the kids Surprises According to Humphrey but it could be used for "a book from a nonhuman perspective". I seem to be able to get a lot more reading done when the weather is nice and it started taking a turn today- light rain and cloudy so this week is not look optimistic for me.
I barely started The Invisible Library but it looks promising.
20/40 and 1/12
QotW: I have started to DNF a lot now that I am older. I most likely will DNF if it is too predictable and not because it is boring- I can usually slog through something if I take it in small chunks at a time. I do have a couple extra reasons for DNF books- this may sound weird but I didn't want to finish The Two Towers or LotR because it was just so beautiful- I didn't want it to end! I feel like I am okay with it ending once I am an old gray witch lady but right now I am too young for LotR to be done- I don't know if that is just super weird but that is how I feel because I really do want to get back to those books. The second reason is because I needed to return the book to the library and then never picked it back up again but now goodreads helps me keep track so I still hope to finish The Magic Strings of Frankie Presto.
Week 25

QotW: I don't always listen to music while I read but I certainly enjoy it- I often listen to film soundtracks or I try to match the music to the book. I don't know how you could read The Magic Strings of Frankie Presto without listening to music.
Week 26

Week 29

Since last I checked in I finished:
I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You
Just a nice cheesy YA book about girl spies.
Food: A Love Story
Hilarious and I could relate to most of it (I do, occasionally, enjoy seafood)
The Woman in Cabin 10
So I actually loved this book! It was the perfect blend of scary and intense- it might have been a little over the top but I really liked it.
Child of God
This book was disgusting! It drove me nuts with the lack of punctuation marks and no redeeming qualities. Since I took this one camping the only thing it was good for after reading it was killing bugs- and I killed a lot of them. I read this book for a "best seller from a genre you don't normal read" or something like that (I think it was recommended from my husband because of the author but come to find out he never actually read it) but I don't even know if it fits but I have to put it somewhere because it would be the only reason I would read a book like this.
Love in the Ruins
Weird- really weird....I am half way through. At this point I just wish the main character would stop saying/thinking "enclosed patio" over and over....if this is some kind of symbolism, please stop beating me over the head with it.
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
I don't know if I will reread the whole thing but I need a palate cleanser from that horrible Child of God and Harry Potter is my go to for that.
Progress: 24/40 & 1/12
No read-a-thons for me- I don't believe I have really even heard of the concept but this is not the time in my life for one of those just yet.
I don't listen to enough audio books to judge. I did just get my MP3 player fixed and need to get back into running so hopefully I can listen to more of those. As much as I love Harry Potter, I can not put my finger on exactly what grates me about Jim Dale but I find him only tolerable. My favorite kids audio books are done for the Junie B. Jones and the Stupid Smelly Bus and the series read by Lana Quintal.
Week 38
Hello from Oregon- where we are so grateful for all the rain that came our way this week- though it appears to be tapering off now.
Finished: Wonder for a "book that's becoming a movie in 2017" This was a last minute change as I really wanted to read Ready Player One but the movie was changed to next year. So since I am rather behind on this challenge a short book would be better for me. I really loved this book! I think my kids would really like it too.
Working on: The Door by the Staircase, Love in the Ruins, and New Women's Devotional Bible I have had to do a lot of rearranging, but I am so glad to be able to relax and read.
I am 28/40 and 1/12.
Except for Bossypants, I haven't really had any expectations dashed, but I certainly had books I have not enjoyed reading this year.
Week 39
I finished a book- Meet Rebecca- it has been on my TBR for a long time and I had to do some rearranging of the challenge to make sure it all works
I have so many books in different stages of reading: more than half way done with Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Parts 1 & 2, half way done with The Door by the Staircase, 70 percent done with Love in the Ruins, and only a handful of pages left in The Invisible Library. It is keeping me hopeful as I am not sure I am going to make it to the end.
I am at 30/40 and 1/12.
QOTW: Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch, PG Wodehouse, Jim Gaffigan, and a couple of Dave Barry books are laugh out loud funny in our house.
Week 41

I finished two books this week and they were both based off Russian folklore- go figure! I had been reading to my kids The Door by the Staircase, but it seemed like it was going so slowly and when I noticed the book discussion for October was The Bear and the Nightingale I was determined to finish both this week and reward myself with a white Russian or some other celebratory Russian food.
The Door by the Staircase- I had to do some rearranging but this book has a cat on the cover so it worked out. I liked this book but the title felt a little misleading. It had a very good happy ending.
The Bear and the Nightingale- This one is for the prompt "involving mythical creature" and I liked this one too, but, again, felt the title was a little strange.
Both books had such strong female characters. It was a great to learn about Russian fairy tales as I am not familiar with them.
32/40 and 3/12
I am about to start Pride and Prejudice and Zombies and finally finish The Magic Strings of Frankie Presto. I also need to find a new read aloud for me and my girls that also fits a prompt- I am thinking of reading Esperanza Rising for an immigrant as I have heard good things about it.
QoTW: I am not looking forward to steampunk prompt- so not my style. I did start reading The Invisible Library but I had to return it to the library before I finished and I am becoming less and less interested in finishing it as time goes on. I feel like I am having to shuffle the books around a lot. I am picking books intended for one prompt but end up filling another one better or I find a book I want to read that was already filled and now I have to creatively find a place for it. I actually enjoy that part of the challenge even though I have a feeling others would think it a waste of time. I still feel a little guilty for putting Bossypants under career advice.
Week 42

I finished The Magic Strings of Frankie Presto for a book that takes place over a character's lifespan.
My husband and I are reading a chapter a day in Searching for Sunday: Loving, Leaving, and Finding the Church. I feel I am relating very strongly to the author and I love thinking critically about my faith- I will see where I stand on this one as we get farther along. I am going to finish it for the challenge even if we don't get it done- I haven't really counted out the chapters.
I am also reading Esperanza Rising, Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library, and Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.
32/40 and 4/12- still a ways to go- but since my husband will be gone all day and the kids have school I should make some head way this week
QOTW: My own tiny town doesn't have a book store, but where I go to get my library books has a tiny used bookstore where I know one of the volunteers personally and I go and visit her from time to time but don't always buy. The biggest town near by (Salem, OR) use to have a Borders but those went out of business and was bought by our local Book Bin, but they couldn't keep the building (so sad, as it was the closest thing to a real bookstore around my area) and now they just have the one downtown and I rarely go downtown. I do wish I could make a regular trip to Powell's Books in Portland but I hate driving and usually low on gas funds, but maybe someday I can convince someone or my husband to make it a regular thing.
Week 43:
This week I finished 2 books.
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies for a book from a subgenre that I've never heard of (Manner Punk). It was kinda fun. I enjoyed the twist on a classic. Since I wasn't sure exactly what to expect I think I was pleasantly surprised that it didn't feel like an absolutely crazy concept.
Candle in the Darkness for a book I got at a used book sale. I was pretty sure I would love this book just solely based on the author, Lynn Austin, and I was right. I tried not to be too critical of the historical time or try to find any inaccuracies and enjoy a good story. I enjoyed it so much I started watching the civil war documentary on Netflix just to refresh my understand and perspective on this tragic event.
32/40 and 6/12 overall 38/52 so if my math is correct 14 more books to go. Steady goes the course!
QotW: I would have to think about it a little more but I think it is pretty spot on. I think there is a little bit of peer pressure involved in "liking" some books especially classics.
Week 46
I have missed a couple of weeks of check in- it happens most often when the kids are out of school.
Since my last check in I have finished:
Sourdough for the "book about food" and the monthly read. It was not bad and it was a very quick read- just too quirky for me.
Esperanza Rising for "a book about an immigrant". This was beautiful. I read it to my daughters and right near the end the 5 year old started taking a big interest and wondering why so many horrible things were happening to Esperanza. It gave us a chance to talk about hope and perseverance.
The Lightning Thief for "a book based on mythology". I have seen the movie and knew the basic story already but it was good read. Riordan is a gifted story teller.
I have a couple books lined up, but as the year is coming to a close I might have to pick slightly shorter books or lock myself away so I will not be disturbed. I have spent huge chunks of what should have been reading time working on next years list. My daughter, who LOVES to read, wants to do the challenge with me, but it may be a little on the difficult side filling age appropriate books for a handful of the prompts- She is ten years old- btw.
Here is where I stand: 33/40 and 9/12- overall 42/52. Ten more books to read! I feel so close.
QoTW: I don't pay much attention to the National Book Awards. But I try to pay attention to the Newbery Awards as they were what helped me find good books when I was younger that were not classics nor twaddle series. My mom wasn't much of a help when it came to finding good books so I tried and still do (I am drawn to well written realistic and historical fiction for kids) pay attention to Newberys. At one point I was collecting as many as I could, but we were poor and I felt bad for "wasting money" on buying them. Now that I am in a better place financially I am glad I have kept most of them and would really like to start collecting them again. I also follow the Christy Awards because I enjoy a good inspirational book every now and then- a few of these books border on the sappy and predictable side but sometimes I need that.
Week 47:

I have been battling a nasty cough since Saturday and haven't had much ability to sleep properly or read for that matter. I was feeling a little better yesterday and FINALLY finished The Invisible Library- I only had 20ish or so pages when I left it because I didn't want to take it on a trip. If you can't tell, I didn't really like it. It was hard for me to get into. Steampunk is not for me.
I have 8 more books to complete the whole challenge- 5 more from the regular and 3 for the advanced. I have to get better soon to get this done!
QoTW: I agree that Little House in the Big Woods and Little House on the Prairie have the very best literary scenes out there. It has been awhile since I read it but I Bless Me, Ultima has a hilarious Christmas Pageant scene and I keep thinking I need to reread it to see if it is as funny as my memories remember it.
Week: 48
I caught a cold/cough over this last week and a half but surprisingly got a lot of reading done even though it was mostly kids picture books.
I finished Love in the Ruins which is a book I have been struggling through for many months now. It was too high brow and possibly too southern for me. I didn't understand half of what I read. I read it for "a book with an unreliable narrator" and as a recommendation from my husband and a blogger I follow. Goes to show that I am just not as deep a thinker as I think I am or I just like to surround myself with those type of people even though I might always be an outsider.
I don't remember mentioning The Hate U Give but I finished that quite a few weeks ago and LOVED it. I might have been waiting for the group read discussion to open to talk about it. I read it a little early because I wasn't sure how long the hold list was but it ended up ready for me quicker than I expected.
Because I am playing catch up I read The Very Hungry Caterpillar and Eloise Takes a Bawth- one for a book mentioned in another book and a book that takes place in a hotel.
37/40 and 10/12 = 47/52
QoTW: I have a pet peeve of book covers where the authors' name is in a much bigger font than the title and/or the author's name is before the title. I might still read them but it is still so annoying to me.
Week 49
I have 4 books left! I will probably finish this year if I can knock out this cold because I feel like most of the time I just want to sleep. I haven't even got out the Christmas decorations yet. Hopefully this weekend I will get into the Christmas spirit.
I finished Searching for Sunday: Loving, Leaving, and Finding the Church for a book with "a day of the week in the title".
I started Spooky Oregon: Tales of Hauntings, Strange Happenings, and Other Local Lore for a book I bought on a trip.
The Winter People
The Woman in Cabin 10
The Hate U Give
Emily of New Moon
Candle in the Darkness
Wonder was great as well- I highly recommended it.
Week 50

Half way done with Spooky Oregon: Tales of Hauntings, Strange Happenings, and Other Local Lore and real close to finishing New Women's Devotional Bible.
37/40 and 11/12
QoTW: I read way too many pictures books, but honestly my best reading year ever. Thanks to this group I have found my passion. I have read 89 books (years not over yet though) and 15, 379 pages. Next year will be even better!!!
Week 52

I finished my 800+pager: New Women's Devotional Bible and now I have only 2 books left to finish the challenge. I am barely going to make it.
1. I did accomplish my goodreads book challenge of reading 52 books because I hadn't decided whether or not to include picture books but in the end I did include them because I just don't read as fast as everyone else and I don't have quite as much time as I thought I would either so overall I read 91 books but still have 2 more books for the Popsugar challenge.
2. I loved a lot of the prompts but not all the books I filled them with but my top 3 were "book with a cat on the cover" "a book that never fails to make you smile" and "a book about food"
3. I wasn't crazy about steampunk, espionage or career advice.
4. I hated Child of God , Love in the Ruins and The Invisible Library and I read them all the way to the end any way.
I better get back to reading still have time to finish my last 2!
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