The Great American Read: Day 29 Frankenstein

In honor of its 200th birthday this year, Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, is my book of choice today.  I have read this book at least twice and I have voted for it on The Great American Read at least 3 times so that tells you basically what I think of this book.  I really like this book.  I think I like the story behind the story even better.  Mary Shelley wrote this story as a sort of contest to see who write a scary story.  She was only 19.  I think people generally think this book is suppose to be scary but that isn't exactly the point. 

I was first assigned this book in college in an English Lit class.  I remember it was one of the first places I learned about doppelgangers (I wasn't really bright or highly educated before I reached college).  I haven't written a comprehensive review of this book.  What I really enjoyed about this book was the thought process and philosophical questions of creator and creation.  I have a fancy edition of this book that also contains many essays in it and one day I will read those.  But for now- yes, I do know that Frankenstein is the name of the scientist not the name of the monster- I hope everyone knows that by now. 


Also I FINISHED The Count of Monte Cristo!  So I am a little distracted and excited about it and didn't have much time to think about this book today. 


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