The Great American Read: Day 32 Catch-22

Catch-22 by Joseph Heller is a classic and not just a classic but a classic war book.  War books are not my thing, but for this challenge I will give it a try.  I did, surprisingly, like Farewell to Arms and that is technically a war book, I think.  Any way, it was fun reading examples of a Catch-22.  I think the closest thing I have to a catch-22 is when I was pregnant.  To get on a state insurance plan that will cover pregnancy you have to get proof from a medical agency that you are pregnant, but to get seen by said medical agency you have to have insurance.  Do you see what I am getting at?  That is a called a catch-22.

So I cracked open this book yesterday and had a little trouble with the flow.  After going for about 20 pages I thought I could greatly benefit from an audio book experience.  Even though I started over I decided audio was the way to go.  I can see why Morgan Freeman (from The Great American Read program) said, "When you heard someone laughing while they were reading, they were reading Catch-22."

My first impressions: interesting but slightly hard for me to follow, "You're Crazy!",  I am glad I am trying something new and I want to like this so I might have to SparkNote to get the general idea of the story.  I don't own this book and it is 453 pages so it is a toss up whether I will get it done before September. 


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