The Great American Read: Day 34 The Curious Incident of the Dog in the NIght-Time

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon is a book I have seen people reading in my Popsugar Reading Challenge group for the prompt "a book with an animal in the title" or "a book about mental health".  It is on the short side, takes us to England, and explores a mystery with a boy who is on the autism spectrum.  This is the kind of book I like. 

My first impression: puts you in someone else's shoes, gives you perspective, mysterious, easy to follow, and I think I will really like this book. 

This is a library book, but it would be a nice book to have.  I thought you should know that since The Great American Read List came out I have checked off five more books of the list:  A Tree Grows in Brooklyn (mostly listened to it while I was sick), Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (the first book I checked off the list after the list came out), The Color Purple (I had a great reading day at the park and it wasn't too long), The Count of Monte Cristo (one of the longest books on this list that I chose from the list first), and The Da Vinci Code (I finished today and had quite a good chunk of it read before I got sick).  Progress on The Great American Read: 33/100 I have a long way to go, but I am determined even if it takes the rest of my life! 


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