The Great American Read: Day 44 Foundation

I'm back!  I have been busy on nonreading activities- if you can believe that!  Let's jump right back in to it.  Foundation by Isaac Asimov is another science fiction book.  I'm going to have read up on this book a little more but from what I gather from reading it for about an hour there is a math guy but with a fancier title who is really into statistics.  He says the planet of billions upon billions or just a lot of people on this planet and all of their culture is going to disappear or be destroyed in x amount of years.  I don't know if that is right but that is what I picked up.  It already seems more interesting and shorter than Dune but still not my cup of tea. 

I got this book from the library.  I never really heard of this book before, but I might have heard of Isaac Asimov before but I can't remember where. 


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