The Great American Read: Day 65 Little Women

In honor of Sisters Day, I will be posting on the most iconic "sisters" book of all time- Little Women by Louisa May Alcott.  This book is about the 4 March sisters and their mom whom they call Marmee and all the big and little things that bring them closer as sisters and ultimately friends.  I actually have not read the unabridged version of this book.  But I hold this one close in my memory as one of my favorites.  This is the copy I carried around with me everywhere when I was ten year old.

I loved the cover of this particular book.  I remember my mom showing me the 1933 version of the movie.  It was one of my favorites.  I loved all the sisters except for Amy.  I was 12 when the 1994 version of the movie came out.  I don't think I got to see it in theaters but I remember seeing it few years later and I used it as a compare and contrast paper for English.  In fact I am quite sure I saw a youtube video with just that....

If I had to say why I liked the book it would probably be because I liked that it was old fashioned and not stuffy.  Even way back when I wanted people to think I was well read when I carried that book around- haha!  I loved Jo's sacrifice of her hair.  I loved that I could identify with Beth's shyness.  Plus I love that this book got Joey from Friends to read and become vulnerable and emotional.  

I am excited to reread this book with fresh eyes plus I will get to read the unabridged version AND I found a copy that included the sequels Good Wives and Little Men.  I tried reading Little Men when I was a teenager and there were just TOO many little men so hopefully this time around I am better at keeping the characters straight.

Also I heard there is a new PBS version that came out around May and I am excited to see it.  I probably won't be able to until the library gets it but still I am hoping it turns out great!  I have heard positive things.

I got the copy of the book I now have from Goodwill very recently.  I have never had my own unabridged version.  So yah for me!  Even though I haven't officially read this book I have voted for it a couple times based on my memory and how truly American this book is. 


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