The Great American Read: Day 73 The Joy Luck Club

The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan- I love this book.  I read it for Minority Lit. Class in college and then I reread it again this year for my Popsugar Reading Challenge for the prompt #14 "a book by an author who is a different ethnicity than you".  I bought my copy for class and it was already used at the time so my copy is a little battered up.  I have never written an official review of this book but all you need to know is that it is about 4 Chinese mother immigrants to America and the relationship dynamics they have with their daughters.  The characters can be a little confusing at first but it reads easily and even though I am not Chinese I feel as if I can relate with the mother/daughter strains and joys.  I recommend this book.  I have Voted for it several times now. 


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