The Great American Read: Day 79 Gone Girl

Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn is not a favorite of mine, but I read it.  In fact when I am done with this initial project I am going to rank the ones I have read from my favorite to the least favorite (I don't usually hate but yeah I hate few of these).  I will have put a few in the middle as I don't remember much about a couple of the books I know I did read, but let's get back to the topic of hating on Gone Girl.  I gave this book 2 stars on Goodreads (probably deserved only one) only because I like mystery and at least it was interesting even though it was predictable and the characters were horrible, unlikable, messed up people.  The book was coated in narcissism for me.  The author thinks she is so deep and dark and twisted and absolutely relishes it to the point where you can't take it seriously any more.  It all ends up being a joke- a bad joke.  This book also contains a lot of profanity which I am not a big fan of. 

I read this book back in 2014 before it became a movie.  I think I was actually reading it in preparation for the movie.  I don't know how I stumbled across this pile of poop.  I might have been trying to read a few books that were being made into movies that year.  Maybe I came across it in an Entertainment Weekly article.  Any way, I can't believe I finished it and I can't believe it made this list.  It is fine if you are into psychotic thrillers but it is just too over the top for me.

Okay, I took a nice picture, too.  I don't own this book.  It will be one of the last I get around to owning if I want to say I have all the books on The Great American Read List but it is an easy book to get- I saw 4 copies of it at the used bookstore.  See?  It isn't even good enough to keep. 


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