The Great American Read: Day 82 Things Fall Apart

Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe is one of about 15 books that I had never heard of before The Great American List came out.  So I am relying on a review by a fellow book friend whose taste is some what similar to mine when it comes to book.  She gave the book 5 stars.  She says she loves this book but she also loves African culture so she admits to being a little bias.  If anything I am neutral to African culture and history.  I am probably intimidated by it.  Africa is huge.  The history can't be simple.  I actually claim no real, true knowledge about it.  What I gather about this book is that it is telling two stories.  It sounds powerful.  It sounds almost magical with myths, fable, and truth surrounding it.  It appears to be a struggle between European missionaries and the world of the ancient African.  It sounds great.  I can't wait to read it, but not in a super excited way but in a "I really want to know more about this" way.  It also sounds emotional.

Library Copy


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