The Great American Read: Day 87 Invisible Man

Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison not to be confused with THE Invisible Man by H.G. Wells (emphasis mine) is a book about a man who says he is invisible.  Okay, it is a lot more than that- it has to do with race and bigotry and of the 10 pages I read the author is mastering the English language.  I heard that for summer homework a student in my husband's youth group read this book so it can't be too complicated.  My copy is a used copy and has a lot of complicated notes in the front that I first thought were artfully written words for creative reasons.  Any way, I am rambling unlike this book, which is written marvelously. 

The song "What Did I Do to Be so Black and Blue" is mentioned within the first 10 pages and hear it is for your listening pleasure. 


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