The Great American Read: Day 95 Twilight

Twilight by Stephenie Meyers (that is a weird way to spell STEPHANIE) is a book I thought I would NEVER read.  Not only am I not really into supernatural beings (vampires, werewolves, zombies, etc) but I am even less into supernatural "love/stalker" stories.  Just out of curiosity I tried to watch the movie- because I thought I MIGHT read the book if it had more of a plot then "plain Jane falls for sparkly butt vampire plus random werewolves" but no, there wasn't really any other plot!  There isn't a mystery.  There isn't much of a struggle except- "I want to bite you, but I totally love you"- gag me with a fork!!  The only reason I want to read it now is so that I can legitimate make fun of it and check it off the list.  THIS is the Twilight for me.  

When I watched the movie, I was constantly saying, "Did they just say those things?  Did those words just come out of their mouths?!?!"  The dialogue is cringe worthy so I can't imagine reading it will be much better. 

I included my neighbor's house in this picture because this is her favorite book.  I don't really understand what is so appealing about these books.


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