Busy Themes-so much to do, write, and read aka Politics Will NOT Drag Me Down

Good LORD! I can not believe I am getting sucked into politics. Of all the things I usually pride myself in it is that I don't mess with politics. I pretty much shut my eyes, put my fingers in my ears, and hum loudly whenever I hear either Republican, Democrat, bi-partisan, GOP, etc... I can't believe I am even starting off this post this way. But America- the whole thing, the whole news and court hearings- ALL of it- it is a big circus. It is a car wreak I can't turn my eye away from. It is a reality show with characters saying and doing the strangest things that all feels like attention seeking. I am not taking sides (at least NOT on this platform), but all of me aches with sadness and my head hurts with anger. So all the sane part of me is ready to escape into the writing and reading and put politics aside. Here is me stuffing all that in a bag and setting in on fire so that I concentrate on my true loves- reading and writing. ...