I know I have been AWOL for a while now, but there is a very good reason. Four days into 2019 our youngest daughter, Lucy, was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. She is seven years old. I won't pretend that this isn't really sad news. The whole ordeal was scary, but I am so so thankful that partly because of reading so many Babysitters Club books plus a friend whose daughter was diagnosed about 5 years ago- I knew the signs. She had been drinking a lot of water. She had very sweet smelling breath. She had a nasty little sore that was not healing. She became completely exhausted and very moody. She had lost 10 pounds and she was already very light to begin with. Right before I took her to the emergency room she had started vomiting plus her breathing became short- found out this is called Kussmaul breathing in the later stages of Diabetic Ketoacidosis. We spent 3 days in the hospital and went home with a blood sugar monitor, insulin pens, ketone strips, and topical antibiotics. Yes, scary, sad, and overwhelming, but we have a team of support and knowledge and insulin to get a "new normal". It took two weeks before she could go back to school and now we have officially finished our first two weeks of school with T1D- not without a few bumps both highs and lows especially today. She is so brave, but hates to be reminded because it just reminds her of the hospital. She has a pretty good attitude about it most of the time, but she is a normal kid and gets upset about not being able to eat whatever she wants whenever she wants- I can't really blame her for the frustration. Overall we are grateful for how far we have come over the last month going from sick and sad in the hospital to learning about Type 1 Diabetes and pricking her own finger to test her blood sugar numbers. Lucy is one strong girl.
I know this a book blog but my personal life has spilled over into it and I wanted to explain my extended absence. We are a believing Christian family and appreciate prayers. We might not understand why this is happening to us but we have faith that God will be our comfort and peace. Along with my faith, God, and church family- reading has always been a renewal and balm for my mental health. So while trying not to sound coarse, harsh, or bitter it is time to return to the reading room and help distract my Owlowisciou Girls with stories that will take us away from carb counting and painful shots if only for a couple hours before we have to do it all over again.
I will just give a quick overview of what we have started in the past couple of weeks.
DONE- 2018 "a book recommended by someone else taking the Popsguar Challenge" & 2019 "a book that makes you nostalgic" |
DONE- Read for my 41st book on the Great American Read plus book club and 2019 "a book with at least a million ratings on Goodreads" |
DONE- Read in honor of Tolkien's Birthday January 3rd |
DONE- 2019 "Reread a favorite" and for my GAR Facebook book club |
69% done- 2018 "a book tied to your ancestry" & possibly 2019 "a book that shares the same title" |
19% done- 2018 "a book by an author with the same first name as you" |
66% done- 2019 JANUARY BOOK for Popsugar Challenge group prompt "a book revolving around a puzzle or game" |
60% done- 2018 "a book that was being read by a stranger in public" |
4% done- 2018 "a book about time travel" and it is on the Great American Read list |
42% done- trying to finish the Left Behind series also on the Great American Read list and could count for "a book with a two word title" for 2019 Popsugar Challenge |
5% done- Reading for my Great American Read Goodreads Club |
Yes, I realize this is a LOT of books even for me. But after my explanation I think you guess that I just needed as much comfort as possible. We will see how it ultimately goes.
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