
Showing posts from May, 2017

Mom's Reading Corner- brought to you by a tropical smoothie

This week for the Popsugar Challenge I have finished Miss Spitfire: Reaching Helen Keller by Sarah Miller for the prompt "a book by or about a person with a disability".  I have wanted to read this book for awhile since I found it was an Oregon Battle of the Books books.  I have been a fan of The Miracle Worker and Helen Keller's life for a long time.  I love American Sign Language and was even privileged enough to work with a group of deaf children as a camp counselor for a week.  This was a great book from Annie Sullivan's perspective.  She does call Helen some names that would be greatly frowned upon today but knowing that this is from a different time and being sensitive to Annie's childhood I was not taken aback.  I enjoyed this book.  I was originally going to attempt two books this week but as soon as I started reading Emily of New Moon by L.M. Montgomery I knew I wanted to savor that book.  Montgomery has such a way with words an...

Mom's Reading Corner with Al Dente Moscato

I am slowly catching up with my Popsugar Challenge- I am only 2 books behind now!!  I did decide to read some shorter books then I originally planned but still not bad for my first serious reading challenge ever.  For the prompt "a book you loved as a child" I originally wanted to reread Superfudge but it wasn't at the library which got me wondering why I do not have my own copy!  Any way I also liked Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing so I decided to reread this one.  It was pretty good but now reading it as a parent I wonder what was wrong with the lack of discipline in the Hatcher household.  Still a funny book and I will always have a soft spot in my heart for Peter.  I am not a huge Nancy Drew fan (she is just WAY too perfect) but I needed a short book for the prompt "a book by an author who uses a pseudonym".  I had the Random number generator pick which one I should read as I don't remember the plots to any of the ones I have actua...

Update- where I am in my Popsugar Challenge 2017

So we are a little past a quarter of the year for this challenge and this is where I stand. 14/40 and 1/12 or rather 15/52- Technically I am four books behind but I have been having fun and learning.  I haven't participated in a group read since January so I am looking forward to doing one again.  *1. A book recommended by a librarian:   Angle of Repose  by Wallace Stegner- DONE *2. A book that's been on your TBR list for way too long:  Meet Rebecca: An American Girl by Jaqueline Greene- DONE *3. A book of letters:  Children's Letters to God by Stuart E. Hample-DONE *4. An audio book:  Igraine the Brave by Carnelia Funke-DONE (also could count for 10) *5. A book by a person of color:   My Dream of Martin Luther King  by Faith Ringgold- DONE *6. A book with one of the four seasons in the title:   The Winter People  by Jennifer McMahon- DONE *7. A book that is a story within a story:  Keturah and Lord Death by Marti...

Mom's Reading Corner

As I look over my reading list and my weekly stats and check ins I am currently 3 books behind so I will just do a quick recap of what I have read so far to catch up or what caused me to be so behind in the first place.  I finally finished Emma by Jane Austen.  This book was for the prompt "book that has been on my To Be Read list for too long".  Now I know why it took me so long to finish.  Getting interrupted during a Jane Austen book is rough for me.  I lose the flow of the language even if I am already familiar with the story.  As much as I did enjoy this book I never should have stopped part of the way through.  It made for a very difficult jump back into it book- it took an embarrassing 2 weeks to finish only about 20% of the book.  So for my next read I went in pretty much the opposite direction.  Bossypants by Tina Fey funny.....disjointed....didn't have a clear message or flow, but it ...