Local Authors
This week we highlighted local authors or books about Oregon. Last year around March my husband and I bought a book which one of his fellow pastors got published. We like to support that kind of thing. I had intended to read it last year for "a book bought on a trip" but never got around to it so since the author of this book is from Oregon and I have personally met him and have the book signed I thought it would be a great time to read it.
The Rescue by Brian Robbins is about a girl who is asked to trust her life to God and guardian angels while being pursued by burnouts in a unknown future time after "Trump" has built the wall. Part Left Behind series, part Touched by an Angel, part Fahrenheit 451 and a dash of Frank Peretti and Randy Alcorn style writing- it wasn't super original but it was entertaining and had a couple of suspenseful moments.
While reading this book I couldn't help but think of some techno chase music to go with it. So here you go....
Popsugar Challenge Stats: 1/40 & 0/10
I even had some extra time and was able to start Secrets by Robin Jones Gunn who is also an Oregon author. I am about half way through. Love me some fluffy cheesy Christian fiction once in awhile.
Last year we stumbled across a book from Oregon Battle of the Books called Hook's Revenge by Heidi Schulz and we found out the author is from Salem, OR. We live in Aumsville so that is not too far away! So this time around I suggested she read the sequel called The Pirate's Code.
She has only just started and says it is good.
Took this opportunity to read the Oregon alphabet books. I even got a local author picture book.

I am also doing the Newbery Challenge this year hosted by Smiling Shelves. I am going for the short goal of L'Engle 15-29 points. I just got my first 2 points this week with Ramona Quimby, Age 8 by Beverly Cleary. She use to live near Portland, Oregon so she is technically a "local" author. This book might also count "a childhood classic I have never read" (#33) and/or "a book set in the decade you were born" (#36).
This week we highlighted local authors or books about Oregon. Last year around March my husband and I bought a book which one of his fellow pastors got published. We like to support that kind of thing. I had intended to read it last year for "a book bought on a trip" but never got around to it so since the author of this book is from Oregon and I have personally met him and have the book signed I thought it would be a great time to read it.
The Rescue by Brian Robbins is about a girl who is asked to trust her life to God and guardian angels while being pursued by burnouts in a unknown future time after "Trump" has built the wall. Part Left Behind series, part Touched by an Angel, part Fahrenheit 451 and a dash of Frank Peretti and Randy Alcorn style writing- it wasn't super original but it was entertaining and had a couple of suspenseful moments.
While reading this book I couldn't help but think of some techno chase music to go with it. So here you go....
Popsugar Challenge Stats: 1/40 & 0/10
I even had some extra time and was able to start Secrets by Robin Jones Gunn who is also an Oregon author. I am about half way through. Love me some fluffy cheesy Christian fiction once in awhile.
Last year we stumbled across a book from Oregon Battle of the Books called Hook's Revenge by Heidi Schulz and we found out the author is from Salem, OR. We live in Aumsville so that is not too far away! So this time around I suggested she read the sequel called The Pirate's Code.
She has only just started and says it is good.
Took this opportunity to read the Oregon alphabet books. I even got a local author picture book.

I am also doing the Newbery Challenge this year hosted by Smiling Shelves. I am going for the short goal of L'Engle 15-29 points. I just got my first 2 points this week with Ramona Quimby, Age 8 by Beverly Cleary. She use to live near Portland, Oregon so she is technically a "local" author. This book might also count "a childhood classic I have never read" (#33) and/or "a book set in the decade you were born" (#36).
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