The Jane Austen Project and more

We are half way through January so it is time to bake up some delicious Raspberry Almond Scones and raise a cup of black currant tea and get cozy with our first few reads of the new year! I just finished The Jane Austen Project by Kathleen A. Flynn. It was entertaining. It had time travel. It had sexy times. It had a loose ending, but I found it interesting and mildly amusing though implausible even if that is what to be expected most often in time travel. I actually weirdly related to the main character Rachel Katzman/Mary Ravenswood the most and surprisingly so because she is well educated, confident in her sexuality, and a doctor- all things I am NOT. I think I just liked her sense of adventure and being able to remain calm during a crisis and her kindness to Tom (the climbing chimney sweep boy). It was a little hard to tell if the characters were really fleshed out or not. I think I was expecting more adventure and m...