
I shared this on my other blog but it was very important to share it here as well. I have loosely been trying to do my first Read-A-Thon . I have never tried one before and I still have some time left. I finished The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan. I was also able to start and finish One Crazy Summer by Rita Williams-Garcia. I might have time to squeeze in one last book before I get too tired- probably going to read Left Behind because I have wanted to finish that series for a long time but was afraid to read it because of how horrible the writing is and I was not looking forward to being mocked by fellow English Majors. Now I am old, I don't really care what people think, I bought almost all the books at a used book sale, and the books and technology are really outdated. It will make for a good, light, and maybe even a slightly funny read. We are due another end of the world book series, right? Any way, it has been a pretty good re...