December Update

I usually take a break here in December to focus on Advent and wrap up my Popsugar Challenge. I needed to give a personal update and to say I am still reading just much more slowly. I was doing okay with the old schedule and with the challenge up until our family has had a bit of a crisis NOT involving Lucy's Type 1 Diabetes diagnosis but rather my husband's job and his mental and physical health. I have been in support and cheerleader mode. It doesn't leave much time for reading and reviewing but, you know, seasons of life and all that. It is very important not to let my personal goals and preferences to take center stage. I need to be here for my husband and for my family. Sure, I am going to miss this part of my life and I will be here from time to time just not in the way it use to be. What I have been trying to read these last few weeks: I started the complete collection of Little Women , Good Wives, and Little Men about...